Challenge of a kindergarten substitute
Teaching is one thing, but being a substitute teacher is a completely different story. If you are ever given the opportunity or challenge of being a kindergarten substitute, I feel for you. Today, in my internship class, the instructor was a substitute and boy, did she have her work cut out for her. I spent the entire day laughing at the students as they corrected every move made by the substitute. I believe that she couldn’t even breathe right without one of them saying something. Don’t get me wrong, the children were not mean or rude, they were simply used to their routine and regular teacher. It is actually a compliment to their teacher to know that they enjoy her style of teaching so much that they believed anything different was incorrect. One example of the substitute’s “error” occurred as we were doing calendar on the board and comparing one to one with two children’s names. The substitute began writing the addition problem in conjunction with the number of let...