Today in my university reading class I was told that we were going to have to make a blog. I immediately thought NO!! This isn't happening!!! I'm a horrible writer and awful at spelling so how am I suppose to blog? It is so bad that even a 3rd grader from my after school program corrected my spelling. How embarrassing is that! Fear is not something that I let consume me, but when it comes to writing or test taking, I definitely have a phobia.
After many minutes of contemplation and nerves, I came to my senses and realized there is no way of getting out of it. It is just another step in my education process that I have no choice but to complete. I began the thought process about what I might blog about? Nothing exciting in my life ever seems to happen, and I pretty much keep the same daily schedule. (Yes, I am a creature of habit.) Each morning, I wake up and start my daily routine, which includes eating breakfast, going to school, then work, and finally home for dinner, homework, workout, and bed. Next day, I repeat that all over again. Lately though, I have been thinking that there should be more to life than simply daily routines. We should be excited about life and seeking new adventures, as we only get one shot.

Believe it or not, I have always wanted to keep a journal where I write down things that happen in my life or be a blogger, but in all honesty, that desire only lasted the first day, and I was quickly over it. I am one of those who reads everyone else’s blogs and think dang that’s good, wish I could write like that. So wish me luck as I take this semester on and blog. Hey, who knows, maybe I won't be that bad and let’s hope I become a better writer/speller through this :)


  1. Hi Alexis. I am so glad you are giving it a try and reading others' blogs will give you tons of ideas for your own writing. Be sure to paste your permalink on Tuesdays or the SOL bloggers will not see it.


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